Sunday, July 01, 2007

My Graduation Gift!

I think that this is a little premature, but I'm not complaining. The lion dance troupe has given the finishing students, a graduating gift. This year, they had a calendar made with pictures of the members in it.

This is so cool. The lion dance troupe are the best group of people that I've had the pleasure of working with. It's the best-est student society that I've ever been part of. The people are fun and friendly. I like the picture for March 2008. It is a picture of our AGM in March this year.

I look forward to doing a little bit more drumming next year. With Katie and XiYen gone, while Gordon is busy with his job, I'm the only person left with the knowledge and experience on all the instruments. So, I guess that I'll have to pass on the knowledge as soon as possible, next year.

I'm looking forward to Chinese New Year already. That's when we have the most number of bookings, from all over. We are really quite good. Although we don't do many stunts, we try to make the lions as interesting and cute as possible.

PS. I'm not graduating this year, I'm planning to finish in the coming Michaelmas or latest by Lent. So, the earliest that I could graduate would be in July next year. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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