Thursday, January 04, 2007

K100D Test Drive

Huhu. The new camera is here and I've been satisfied with it thus far. I've even gone out and bought a leather camera bag for it. So, I've got a nice new camera in a nice new leather camera bag. I've also bought two new sets of NiMH batteries for the camera. It was on discount as well. As cheap as online prices. So, I just got them at the store, with a charger.

So far, the test shots have been decent as well. However, I have been able to properly test out the Shake Reduction (SR) technology yet. But I have been able to actually "hear" the mechanism working. It works by floating the CCD and oscillating the field so that the CCD doesn't react sharply to any sudden jerks of the camera. So, it produces a little "whir" whenever it does this and that lets me know that it's actually doing something. Quaint.

I'm planning to bring the camera up to the Alps. However, on advice from a friend, I will be keeping the camera in the bag for most of the trip. I will only take it out maybe towards the last couple of days, to get a few group shots. Maybe in the evenings as well, to get a few indoor shots of us all in the resort. And maybe a final group photo shot on the last day.

Getting a good camera is just the first step. After this, I've got to learn how to use the camera, get familiar with what it can/cannot do and then learn how to get some really good pictures with it. I've still got a little ways to go yet, before really getting some good pictures.

* image - depth of field test of my bike locked up to the fence *


koln_auhc said...

try this

Shawn Tan said...

funny that you should mention that particular website. i actually know another sean who personally knows that sean.

koln_auhc said...

er, how weird.

Shawn Tan said...

T'is a small world my friend.