Monday, January 29, 2007

Submission Date!!!

Oh my... Just logged into CamSIS today and guess what I saw!! My submission date has been set at 4-Jan-2008!!! Hahaha... It's all a bit surreal... The end of the tunnel is visible now.. So, if all goes well, I should be able to submit in Michaelmas and then graduate!! Cool!! I don't think that I'll bother to apply for an extension unless truly warranted... And I should better make sure that it's not!!

The question now is what I should do AFTER i graduate... Many people have been asking me that and I've got no real answer except that academia isn't it... I'm considering all options including going into business.. My typical answer would be to work wherever opportunity presents itself... Either way, I'll only need to decide after Easter...

I'll be making job applications about 6 months from my submission date.. I assume that I'll know by then whether or not I'll be able to make the date... I'm probably going to apply for all kinds of jobs, including engineering/technology jobs, various consulting and also some banking work (shock + horror!!!)... It will usually take at least about 6 months to go through the various interview processes and getting myself an offer... Huhu, this means that I'll be making job applications about the same time as many of my other undergraduate friends...

Well, like I always tell my friends, no point pondering too much about the future.. I've got to finish my PhD first!! Haha!! The cool thing is that I have a submission date!! So, now I have a fixed target to aim for!! Hehe, hopefully, I can graduate next July then!! My family should be quite happy to come for my graduation.. I wonder if my sister and her family will come... I certainly hope that they do although she may be too busy to... Eh, once in a lifetime event okay!!


Dan said...

"Eh, once in a lifetime event okay!!"

not really what.. you can do another phd! :P

Wei Shen said...

Congratulations, Shawn! I wish you all the best in future. You will be someone, that is for sure. May the triple gem be your guiding light.