Saturday, September 16, 2006

The REAL NextGen Console

whoah... i just watched the latest redsteel trailer... whoah... whoah... it's
great... it shows how the new controllers can be used in FPS like games...

everyone already knows that you can point the wiimote like a gun and press the
trigger to shoot.. just like a gun... and you can swing the 'mote around when
you use weapons like a sword.. and that you can use the nunchuck attachment
to navigate..

however, from the video, it seems that moving the nunchuck has effect as
well.. and there are buttons on the nunchuck as well, that is used in
redsteel to launch grenades.. the game character holds the grenade in the
left hand while holding the gun in the right one..

so cool... however, the intro price for the wii is a little above my budget..
it's a bit expensive for me.. so, i will wait for a bit for the price to drop
before going out to get one.. maybe after i buy my new 19" monitor...

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