Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Move to increase racial polarisation

oh why doesn't the m'sian government get it... the latest idea out of the MoE
is to have a 3:2:1 racial mix in various co-curricular activities, in order
to reduce racial dominance of said activities based on race.. why doesn't the
government get it...

introducing measures such as this one will just make the situation worse
simply because it forces everyone to constantly remember their race and
their 'place'.. although well intentioned, it will not get the desired
results.. look at old m'sia, before we implemented racial based policies.. we
were well integrated, with little polarisation.. by implementing racial based
policies, m'sians are constantly reminded of their race and 'place'.. and
this leads to polarisation.. either the government is blind to this, or it's
in denial and refuses to acknowledge it..

i'm not saying that the NEP and these racial policies are wrong.. they have
their purposes as well... discriminatory policies are embedded in every
society.. and the m'sian version of transparent preference isn't that bad..
however, they are not without their side effects either.. we need to take the
good with the bad.. that's life..

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