Sunday, April 16, 2006

Boring state of gaming

Hmm... sometimes, it makes me wonder what's happening in the world of computer
gaming today.. we've got the technology to make truly impressive and
immersive games.. however, we aren't getting any new games anymore.. has the
evolution of computer games come to a halt??!!

there was a whole slew of new gaming concepts in the late 80s and early 90s..
i can still remember lemmings, wolfenstein 3d, dune 2, and a whole bunch of
other games which changed the direction of gaming.. granted, the graphics
have gotten better, but new games are just rehashes of the old concept.. we
have newer rts, fps, puzzles, adventures, rpgs, and what nots..

some people feel that online gaming is something new.. these people must have
been unfortunate enough to have been left out of the internet in the old
days.. these people must think that the internet did not exist before the www
was invented.. mmorpgs are just a graphically souped up version of muds..

which, brings me to my point.. "where are the new games!!!"... there are
virtually none... sad but true... i'm not saying that there are no good games
anymore.. there are... there just aren't any new game concepts around..

one possibility could be due to the increasing cost of game production.. as
costs increase, game developers want to reduce risk.. hence, they try to
stick to tried and true game concepts.. sad..

what we need in gaming is a new revolution.. that's why i'm hoping that the
new console from nintendo can change the way things are going.. by having a
totally new way of getting input from the user to the console, i'm hoping
that the game developers will take the challenge to come up with new game

it will be very sad, if the only application for the new revolution, is to
play existing concepts differently.. granted, fps, rpg and others will
benefit immensely from a new, immersive, form of input.. however, it would be
better to use the new system to come up with a new game concept.. hopefully..
we can always wish..

i'm writing this half asleep.. so, e&oe.. cheers..

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